DEAF RAT releases 3rd single Tying You Down from the upcoming album BAN THE LIGHT and is now available on all digital platforms. Tying You Down is stated to be a ”revenge song” with a clear lyrical theme.
It feels very nice to be able let of steam by writing songs about killing people I don’t like. I would have spent an awful lot of time in jail otherwise.
Frankie Rich
Tying You Down was one of the first song ideas that was put to tape for the album Ban The Light. In fact it might have been the first one. I had decided I wanted to write an up-tempo song that had a half tempo chorus to break off and give some real heavy grooves and dynamics to the song. I remember the idea for the music and melody chorus came together in an hour or so, and without thinking about it, the words that came out of my mouth when I recorded the melody of the chorus were; ”I’m tired of the lies you’re accusing me of”.
When I played it back and listened to it I remember asking myself, what is this song about? I realized these words had been growing inside of me for a very long time and that this was a revenge song towards a person in my life that had hurt badly a couple of years back. It feels very nice to be able let of steam by writing songs about killing people I don’t like. I would have spent an awful lot of time in jail otherwise.
A music video for Tying You Down will be released along with the album release on Halloween Night, November 1st.
Pre-order BAN THE LIGHT here