When ever DEAF RAT is not on tour or in the studio, Frankie Rich works as a special effects and pyrotechnics specialist. Twisted Sister, Dark Funeral, HammerFall, Sabaton and many more have been playing on stage while Frankie has been in charge of blowing things up – all with a precise timing.
In the latest issue of Sweden Rock Magazine, Frankie shares his love for loud bangs, the smell of gun powder and what makes a good pyro technician (maniac) according to him.

The Pyro man
Text: Janne Matsson, Sweden Rock Magazine. Translation: webmaster-deafrat.com
Sweden Rock Magazine meets DEAF RAT‘s singer Frankie Rich behind Festival Stage during the first day of the festival. However, he is not here as a musician, but instead he represents Unique Pyrotechnic and is the head of pyrotechnics at Sweden Rock Festival. As for so many others, the over the top pyro photo in KISS “Alive II” aroused the by then nine-year-old wizz-kid from Falun interest in music, fire and bombs.
– When I was a kid, the dream was to stand on stage with Kiss, says Frankie. Over the years, the dream changed and being a member of Kiss no longer felt as reasonable. In 2013, however, something happened that is almost as big. I worked with Kiss production at Sweden Rock Festival, so I was actually on stage with Kiss. Even though I didn’t play with them, I was a small part of their show! This year I will do the same again and it is an extremely proud moment for me.
How many people work with Kiss pyroshow?
– Seven guys and girls are a part of the touring pyrotechnic team. This year at the festival they also asked for some help from two of our technicians for rigging the finale fireworks. All pyrotechnics used at Sweden Rock Festival go through Unique Pyrotechnic. Together with the festival, we make sure that there are permits for everything and that Swedish laws are followed. The security aspect is so important. It’s pretty dangerous stuff that we’re handling and if you do not know what you are doing you can hurt yourself, the band or the audience. The foreign artists who use special effects at this years festival are besides KISS also Slayer, Behemoth and Batushka. Slayer has ordered a big amount of propane in order to transform the stage into a burning inferno.
It says “no smoking or vaping” on the open container next to us. What happens if there is a fire?
Nothing would happen. In this particular container, there is only carbon dioxide and 375 kilos of dry ice that KISS will use for the low fog in their show. Propane is a better fuel for fires, but those bottles are already on the stage for Slayer’s show.
Are the same propane bottles used for all bands as for Slayer?
No. Slayer has seized a dozen gas bottles. On top of that, they use alcohol that is used for some flame throwers. Either you run your flame units on gas, alcohol or lycopodium. The difference between them is that they look different, burn at different speed and that the rules around them are different. Lycopodium is a powder that is used in bombs and flame throwers which creates fireballs. Like the ones seen on KISS Alive II. In the past, propane was used most of the time, but it is getting more seldom now. The rules around it are getting more strict and different countries have different rules, so it can be a bit tricky to do a tour. But Slayer uses it for a wall of fire that burns for a long time and that effect can only be achieved by using Propane.
What is the most remarkable pyrotechnic show you have experienced?
It was not pyrotechnic in itself, but in 2009, the Swedish band Svenne Rubins executed a surprising stunt during their show at Sabaton Open Air. While I was preparing the bombs for the Sabatons show behind the stage, I suddenly heard a LOUD bang. I thought that some of our stuff had suffered a mishap and I almost freaked. But it turned out that Svenne Rubins had an old party trick that worked beyond all expectations. They had a wooden box on stage that they stuffed full of bubble wrap. Inside the box there was a microphone and when someone snapped the plastic wrap, they drove the sound straight out from the PA. The effect was like ear deafening fireworks. A clearly odd but effective approach, haha!
What is the most remarkable pyrotechnic show you have experienced?
It was not pyrotechnic in itself, but in 2009, the Swedish band Svenne Rubins executed a surprising stunt during their show at Sabaton Open Air. While I was preparing the bombs for the Sabatons show behind the stage, I suddenly heard a LOUD bang. I thought that some of our stuff had suffered a mishap and I almost freaked. But it turned out that Svenne Rubins had an old party trick that worked beyond all expectations. They had a wooden box on stage that they stuffed full of bubble wrap. Inside the box there was a microphone and when someone snapped the plastic wrap, they drove the sound straight out from the PA. The effect was like ear deafening fireworks. A clearly odd but effective approach, haha!

Saturday evening – Showtime
It is not only the members of Hammerfall who smile widely on stage while they perform the opening parts of the first song “Legion” with an impressive frenzy. On the other side of the stage is Frankie. Hidden behind the stage set stands a smiling Frankie, looking at the smoke from the bombs that rises towards the sky. The first explosion out of many has just been set off in perfect sync with the music. The bang has both awakened the audience and laid the bar for the rest of the evening.
A while later, Hammerfall’s pyrotechnician Jake E, also known as the singer of Cyhra, is given the thumbs up from Frankie while he effectively lets the eight Flame Throwers do their work.
What did Hammerfall request for today’s concert?
Fire! They have eight Flame Throwers in the front of the stage. Then they have eight Co2 Jets (pressurised carbon dioxide that shoots powerful smoke columns) and a number of pyro effects that we shoot off at well-chosen cues. Hammerfall tends to be quite specific in their wishes regarding effects, as they have been using pyro for many years and know what works in which songs. Besides, their drummer David Wallin is one of Sweden’s best pyrotechnicians.
How does your story with Hammerfall look like?
The first time I worked for Unique Pyrotechnic was with Hammerfall, when they played at Dalhalla 2012. It was the same gig that they recorded for the DVD – Gates of Dalhalla. What a timing. But it went well and they were happy afterwards. I have not been told exactly what they were so satisfied with, but the show inquiries have continued to come. It’s probably because I’m a tight pyrotechnic technician.
What defines a tight Pyrotechnician?
I start all my jobs listening through the music and then planning the show after that. If you start at the other end and determine the effects before you have a look at the music, it will be the effects that control your show. My way of thinking comes from being a musician first and foremost. The fact that I have been a drummer for a very long time helps too. The pyrotechnicians who are drummers are really the best since they have and impeccable timing per se. They can time a cue to a kickdrum hit with perfect precision.